Group Profile





纳来集团(NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO)成立于意大利米兰,注册名为意大利纳来陶瓷有限公司,是一家整合生产和销售瓷砖,提供优质生活灵感的国际瓷砖集团企业。同时于中国注册,注册公司全称为佛⼭市纳来建材有限公司,总部设于广东省佛⼭。

纳来集团在全球,共获得意大利、美国等超过100个国家政府的品牌商标认证,新加坡GREEN LABEL等80多项产品品质检测和认证证书,10多项产品设计专利,拥有专业、完整的研发设计、生产、销售服务团队,以严谨、创新的意匠品质精神引领国际潮流。



NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO, founded in Milan, Italy, and registered as Nanogress Procellanato Co., Ltd. (Italy), is an international group that integrates the production and sale of porcelain and ceramic tiles to provide quality living inspiration. At the same time, it is also registered in China, whose full name is Foshan Nanogress Porcellanato Co., Ltd., headquartered in Foshan, Guangdong Province.

Nanogress Group obtained brand trademark certification in a total of more than 100 countries worldwide, such as Italy and the United States. More than 80 product quality testing and certificates of recognition such as Singapore GREEN LABEL and over 10 product design patents were also pocketed in Nanogress Group. With professional and complete R&D design, Production and sales service team and the rigorous, innovative spirit of the Italian craftsmanship, Nanogress takes the leading position in the international trend.

As a leading brand in the field of high-end porcelain and ceramic tiles which promotes quality lifestyle, Nanogress Group enjoys the praise in the international market. With the porcelain and ceramic tiles as the core, Nanogress Group integrates the Italian wine, coffee, aromatherapy and original design into an Italian craftsman community, to create an Italian lifestyle experience center of "comfortability, modernity and humanity", and it devotes itself to bringing quality Italian products and lifestyle to China and the world at large.

Our History



NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO正式成立,凭借优秀的产品质量,在国际市场崭露头角。

NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO was formally established. With excellent product quality, it cut a figure in the international market.



With a keen sense of marketing and forward-looking vision, Nanogress was the first to introduce 3D inkjet printing technology, and it was involved in the formulation of the 3D printing standards in the international porcelain and ceramic tiles industry, laying base for the scale production of themodern rustic tilesandthe ink-jet marble porcelain.


NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO先后参与意大利博洛尼亚展BOLOGNA FIERE、波兰展POLAND FAIR、爱尔兰展IRAN FAIR、墨西哥展MEXICO FAIR、巴西FEICON展等,成功获得欧盟、美国、韩国、俄罗斯等国家或地区,其星级酒店等高端商业项目的准入认证。

NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO has participated in the BOLOGNA FIERE exhibition in Italy, POLAND FAIR in Poland, IRAN FAIR in Ireland, MEXICO FAIR in Mexico and FEICON in Brazil.The company has already obtained the market access to some high-end commercial projects such as starred hotels of the European Union, the United States, the Republic of Korea, Russia and other countries and regions.


NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO先后参与意大利、美国、巴西、俄罗斯、迪拜等建筑装饰设计行业展览,产品成功进驻美国、韩国、东南亚等公共建筑设计项目选材席。

经过成熟的国际化市场运营,NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO在多个合作国家或地区建立了良好的口碑。更在波兰、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、马来西亚、韩国、泰国、斯里兰卡、巴拿马、巴西、巴拉圭、委内瑞拉等10多个国家设立品牌专营店,主营产品更广销全球120多个国家。

NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO has participated in architectural decoration design exhibitions in Italy, the United States, Brazil, Russia and Dubai. The products have been successfully stationed as suitable materials of the public buildings projects in the United States, South Korea and Southeast Asia.


After a mature internationalized market operation, NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO established good reputation in many cooperative countries and regions. In addition, it has set up brand showrooms in more than 10 countries including Poland, Australia, Russia, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Panama, Brazil, Paraguay and Venezuela. Its main products are sold to more than 120 countries in the world.


NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO扩充意大利设计研发团队,于米兰和摩德纳成立瓷砖原材研发基地,进行产品设计研发和生产技术攻关。

NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO expanded its Italian design and development team, and set up tile raw material research and development base in Milan and Modena to make technological breakthroughs in R&D and production.


2014年凭借潜心研发的意大利岩石,斩获中意瓷砖设计大奖,并成功申请产品发明专利。同年,NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO再次获得米兰市政府颁发的品牌认证。

In 2014, with the devotedly produced ITALY ROCK, NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO won the China Italy Ceramic Design Award, and successfully applied for product invention patent. In the same year, NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO won the brand certification issued by the Milan municipal government.


NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO携意大利岩石正式启动中国市场项目,并组建意大利原生活团队运营生活方式品牌意尝有品。

NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO, with the ITALY ROCK, officially launched the Chinese market projects and formed the Italian original life team to operate the lifestyle brand “ Il Molto Giorno”.


NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO于中国佛山的创意产业园建立意式生活体验馆,旨在将意大利生活方式、生活品味与生活品质带到中国,将“REAL LIFE”“DESIGN”“TASTE”融入不同层次的空间,并将体验式经营模式推向新的高度。

NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO established Home Plus in Foshan Creative Industry Park in China to bring Italian lifestyle and quality of life, integrated "REAL LIFE" "DESIGN" and "TASTE" into different levels of space, and advanced experiential management mode to a new height.


集团携NANOGRESS和意尝有品,启动全球巡演计划(PROJECT GLOBAL SHOW),在意大利、澳大利亚、中国、泰国、斯里兰卡、印度、孟加拉等世界各地卷起意式生活体验热潮。


The Group, along with NANOGRESS and Il Molto Giorno, started the PROJECT GLOBAL SHOW, which rolled out the Italian lifestyle experience in Italy, Australia, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh.

Owing to its great brand appeal, during the CERSAIE International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings in Bologna, Italy, the Group invited designers and partners around the world to Bologna, Italy to participate in the NANOGRESS brand launching event and to explore Italy's humanity, design and life on the ground. Unique brand concept and strong brand strength give NANOGRESS far-reaching impact on the world.